Full-Stack Software Engineer
Emoti Group, Vilnius, Lithuania - Online retail company | 07/2021 – 10/2023
Designed, developed, and maintained software solutions.
Proven Stack, Kaunas, Lithuania - Financial and blockchain engineering company | 08/2018 – 09/2019
Designed, built, and supported robust software solutions.
Credit Online, Kaunas, Lithuania - Loan and client management software | 01/2018 – 06/2018
Built and maintained reliable software solutions with a focus on quality and performance.
TeleSoftas | 04/2014 – 09/2017
Developed a wide range of software solutions, tackling diverse business challenges across different industries.
Freelancer.com | 2011 – 2014
Worked on various freelance projects, developing custom solutions and improving existing systems.
000webhost | 04/2011 – 11/2011
Contributed to the ongoing development of diverse software solutions.
Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, US | 10/2023 - current
Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science, expected completion in June 2025.
Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania | 2010 - 2014
A highly-efficient, dynamic, and secure REST API backend for a web forum application.
Check out the project's GitHub for complete endpoints documentation and see the Live Demo.
I built this app as part of a challenge on ZYLYTY, where I developed a REST API backend to meet the certification requirements. You can also view my ZYLYTY Certification.
Meet NextHome, a real estate marketplace built as part of the CS545 Web Application Architecture course. It features a React-based frontend that interacts with a Java, Spring Boot-powered REST API backend.
This collaborative effort was made possible with my talented teammates Tanzim Chowdhury, Sanjeev Thapa, Basanta Shrestha, and Aakarshan Simkhada.
Key Features - Deployed to the Cloud ☁️
See It In Action
Live Demo: http://waa-project-react-frontend.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Frontend Code: https://github.com/vytaux/waa-project-react-frontend
Backend Code: https://github.com/vytaux/waa-project-spring-backend
Project Overview
The Electronic Badge/Attendance System is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline attendance management for the CS544-EA course. This project combines modern development practices with robust security and deployment strategies, ensuring scalability and reliability.
This project was a result of teamwork with my exceptional teammates Jean Claude Gombaniro, Dip Ranjon Das, Eden Gebrewold, Adonay Gebrerufael, and Taoufiq El Moutaouakil.
Key Features
The project utilizes best practices in software engineering, including continuous integration, automated testing, and efficient version control to deliver a robust and maintainable product.
Project Code: https://github.com/vytaux/ea-project
Introducing Todo®Mania™ - a powerful productivity tool designed to simplify task management. It combines intuitive design with robust functionality, making it easy to organize and complete tasks efficiently.
This project was accomplished in collaboration with my teammate Aayush Raj Joshi for the Modern Web Applications course.
Key Features
Project Code: https://github.com/vytaux/mwa-project